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Archivo:YouTube - 15Mbcn - 4HKEVR16vMk.jpg
Archivo Archivo:YouTube - 15Mbcn - 4HKEVR16vMk.jpg +
Autor <span class="plainlinks">[https://www.youtube.com/user/15Mbcn 15Mbcn]</span> en [[YouTube]]
Descripción '''''Descripción proveniente de YouTube:'''''''Descripción proveniente de YouTube:''''' @HHTelefonica. Huelga de Hambre en Telefónica porque se niega a readmitir a Marcos, a pesar de que para la justicia su despido por bajas médicas justificadas ES IMPROCEDENTE http://huelgadehambreentelefonica.blogspot.com #huelgahambretelefonica We, five Telefónica workers have started a sine-die hunger strike on the 5th of November to protest against the injustice that the powerful transnational corporation has committed against one of its employees. The protest is supported by the two combative union organizations - Cobas and En Construcció - and the workers' platform Sí, soy rentable. Marcos Andrés was dismissed by Telefónica on February 2011, along with Mari Cruz, because they had been under sick leave for what the corporation considered to be too long, even when it was certified by Social Security doctors. The company sacked the workers telling them "they were not profitable". However, in the same month, and in the midst of the crisis, the company paid out record dividend to their shareholders. Although precise shareholding structure cannot be known, certain shareholders hold stakes that may be considered significant: BBVA, La Caixa and Blackrock, Inc. Mari Cruz dismissal was declared unfair and wrongful by the Court. Marcos dismissal was declared as null and void by the court on grounds of breach of fundamental rights, as the worker was involved in trade union activity. The company had to reinstate the workers, but Telefónica was not satisfied and appealed against the Court's decision. The second Court declared the dismissal wrongful and unfair. However it did not find enough evidence of fundamental rights breach, and. According to the Spanish Labor laws, even if the Court declares the dismissal unfair and wrongful, they let the Company to decide about the worker's right to be reinstated. Mari Cruz refused to keep fighting for her job. But Marcos wants to keep fighting for his rights.cos wants to keep fighting for his rights.
Duración 19:29  +
Duración en segundos 1.169  +
Embebido YouTube +
Embebido id 4HKEVR16vMk  +
Embebido título 17 días de huelga de hambre de 5 trabajadores de Telefónica -21-11-12-
Embebido usuario 15Mbcn  +
Fecha de publicación 22 noviembre 2012  +
Fecha de publicación string 2012-11-22  +
Licencia [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Licencia Reconocimiento 3.0] de Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)[[Categoría:CC BY 3.0]]
Mirrors [https://archive.org/details/spanishrevolution-17diasdehuelgadehambrede5trabajadoresdeTelefonica-21-11-12--4HKEVR16vMk spanishrevolution-17diasdehuelgadehambrede5trabajadoresdeTelefonica-21-11-12--4HKEVR16vMk] en [[Internet Archive]]
Palabra clave Huelga de Hambre en Telefónica  + , huelgadehambreentelefonica  + , Marcos  + , marcos  +
Tamaño 0  +
Tipo de archivo Embedded +
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